and it must be time to restart touching base with my foundations. lost and distracted... to keep track again on that light, however blurred or faint. it was with a clear purpose and with that to refocus.
tomorrow should mark the notice that not in the country of last things, it is in relearning and rediscovering the double-bladed value of how to be alone that we relearn and rediscover how it is to (re)connect.
i may have wanted to sing that somewhere or connection song or think of a brightly colored pony galloping over but underneath i may feel for the leprechaun's a hundred pieces less or more. i may have wanted to see more as the band permeated the dividing lines of sky, earth and sea and maybe dug deeper to an underground or underwater floor. and where lies the true colors less or more somewhere under one rainbow may be another less and more.
i have for the longest time longed for a fit, but every time i take a step back to contemplate and analyze the long journey i have traversed, i always end up, stained, wearied and alone.
the sky is clear tonight and all i can think wishing of is that you also see the same dark sky and same stars that i see, and in that connection we see and find that faint sign of a coming together... in time.
if a bird flew zipping past through my melodramatic view i would not notice it as much as i would notice it were it another clue (or i would give in) and give due for more than a year i counted gradually losing you.